The Shack...

My Shack

I knew I was taking my General, so I started stocking up on gear. I passed on Jan 12, 2019 and started setting things up that Sunday.

I had to tear my shack down for a while for some remodelling (new pics to come). Then I had to replace the wire on my HF antenna due to a branch that decided it wanted to try its hand at being a tightrope walker. I I took advantage of that to extend the mast another segment & put the VHF/UHF antenna up on it too. I also got the far end of the EFHW higher.


So far I've mostly been on FT8 with contacts as far as New Caledonia, Argentina, South Africa, Croatia, & Alaska. I've started Calling CQ on SSB though, so wish me luck! If you hear me out there, be nice.

I've was playing with Winlink on & off. I'm trying out Pat instead of the Winlink Express client, so I don't have to fire up a Windows VM to check mail. I'll try to do it on a regular basis (my address actually expired), so drop me a line if you want to test it out.


HF setup:

Shack VHF/UHF setup:

Mobile VHF/UHF setup:

Bicycle Mobile VHF/UHF setup:

Club Memberships

Here are the various ARCs I'm a member of, in something like a growing geographical order.